Expert & One Stop Solution Provider in Heavy Duty Corrugated Packaging

Industry leading in e-commerce

As Europe's largest supplier of e-commerce packaging, DS Smith offers a wide range of packaging solutions, from small quantities from stock for start-ups, to comprehensive supply chain consultancy for the largest internet giants.

Protection above all

The e-commerce supply chain is putting packaging to the test. There are up to 50 touch-points that a typical webshop delivery should survive. Whether a package falls out of a van or can only be delivered after three times because no one is home, good quality packaging makes all the difference. Our designs are optimized for your specific supply chain and, if desired, tested in our DISCS test lab for e-commerce packaging

Designed for durability

With 85% of digital shoppers willing to pay a little extra for sustainably packaged goods, now is the time to focus on sustainable packaging design . In addition, eliminating filler materials is crucial to make optimal use of space in the truck, reduce CO2 emissions and minimize the amount of raw materials required. Our designs never use more material than necessary, and with our eBox range optimizer you optimize your assortment so that the purchasing costs, amount of empty space and amount of filling materials remain as low as possible.

Packaging that makes customers happy

Frustration-free packaging is a good step, but consumers who shop offline in a nicely decorated store want the same experience during their online purchase. Why not make the unpacking of a webshop order a unique moment? Packaging is an excellent opportunity to bring your brand into the living room. In our e-commerce Impact Center we take you into the world of the consumer, we explore trends and show the effect of packaging on your business.

Sustainable packaging that improves your results

We design and produce practical e-commerce packaging for web shops that consists of 100% recyclable materials and is optimized to:

  • Reduce empty space by adapting the design and size to your specific products and supply chain
  • Reduce costs using smart designs that facilitate order picking and reduce packing time
  • Reduce damage by leveraging our European best practice design database, software and DISCS e-commerce testing lab
  • Strengthen brands by surprising the shopper with a special first impression or a special 'unboxing experience'
  • Facilitate returns by working with structures that work efficiently for the consumer and your returns department
  • Reduce environmental impact by preventing damage, reducing empty space and replacing plastic with cardboard


Our webshop packaging strengthens your brand, prevents damage and brings efficiency to your (return) distribution