Expert & One Stop Solution Provider in Heavy Duty Corrugated Packaging

ecoflow trade

packaging tests for web shops

Online orders take a completely different journey than in traditional retail and have to survive up to 50 touch points. Traditional packaging testing does not meet the supply chain requirements of e-commerce.

DISCS™ testing

With DISCS™ you can test the strength of the packaging, but also the effect of small design changes and the omission of filling materials before sending it to the customer. Each test is tailored to your specific requirements, your specific shipping method and your specific distribution channel.

This patented test procedure is named after the various test components ( Drop, Impact, Shock, Crush, Shake) , each imitating a part that the webshop packaging makes in the complex e-commerce supply chain. Engineers processed the insights of e-commerce customers and logistics partners and tested it against thousands of tests to arrive at a final test procedure that mimics the e-commerce supply chain.

ISTA testing

In addition to DISCS™, DS Smith supports the following ISTA protocols: 1A, 1G, 2A, 3A, Type A, 7